‘BALGF’ – Bromley Allotments and Leisure Gardens Federation.
For more about BALGF, click this link: http://www.balgf.org
The ‘BALGF’ web site has been set up as part of a general initiative to use the internet to help BALGF, its member allotment associations, LB Bromley officers and individual allotmenteers communicate. Another part is setting up a Google Mail account to maintain an on-line calendar of events, as well as for emails.
It has been developed using the leading open source content management system, Joomla. As a result, it is fairly easy to add new articles – it is just a matter of getting a log in and using an on-line text editor. By selecting from a list of sections and categories, the article will appear under the right menu above. The main use for the site is expected to be to be for BALGF and LB Bromley officers to put up information which will be of general interest, and provide a point of reference. However, individual allotment sites can put up their own articles, and could use this as their own web site.
Their site is separate from our Belmont Lane site but will give you a good idea of what’s happening in other surrounding sites.